Double Loop Marketing excellence
Rethink value and implement a value based anti-silo Marketing
In too many organizations, Marketing is perceived by Sales as having retreated into their ivory tower, getting disconnected from today’s markets‘ reality. The potential of value-based Marketing is also often eaten up by daily business and fire fighting losing sight of strategic value differentiation and communication.
In either case it will be difficult to fully tap into value differentiation and value capture potential.
With our Double Loop Marketing Excellence you will improve the cross-functional collaboration on value creation and capture, based on value driven strategies, business models, pricing tools and market communication. We help you rethink value and train your people in marketing excellence in a more and more digitalized environment.
What Double Loop Marketing Excellence is all about
Many Marketing organizations struggle to successfully get their ideas and innovations to market. Frictions between theory and practice, profit orientation and customer relationship, or bottom line and top line growth have solidified in organizational silos. Especially conflicts between Marketing and Sales often hamper value creation and value capture.
This can get critical in times where digitalization and digital business model innovation opportunities require a vigorous cross-functional mindset.
Our Double Loop Marketing Excellence is your anti-silo management program for creating value that will work in practice. It perfectly aligns your customers‘ needs and willingness to pay with your strategy, your segmentation, your customer journey design, your business models, your unique value proposition, your competitive advantages and your pricing.
– Train and enable your Marketing & Sales people in business specific marketing excellence topics,
– Help you develop a cross-functional, customer-centric and value driven mindset in your entire organization,
– Coach your M&S organizations in creating, communicating and capturing value,
– Help you develop and implement new value driven strategies and business models,
– Align your Marketing with your sales organization on segmentation, customer journeys, pricing methods, pricing tools, and pricing processes,
– Improve the collaboration between the different functions involved in value creation and value capture,
And we help you to rethink value, as it’s getting more and more obvious that there is more to value than just making money, incl. sustainability, emotional values, solidarity, supporting society. For you and your customers.
This is what Double Loop Marketing Excellence is all about.
Our Double Loop Marketing Excellence programs, coaching and training help you to overcome silo thinking and to rethink value, strategy and business models in a digitalizing world.

Rethinking value
Already before COVID-19 it became more and more obvious that there is more to value than just shareholder value and making more money.
In August 2019, 182 CEOs of US companies signed a „Statement on the Purpose of Corporation“, in which they committed to delivering value to their customers, investing in their employees, dealing fairly and ethically with their suppliers, supporting the community in which they work, protecting the environment, and generating long-term value for their shareholders. Commentators already marked that as the end of shareholder value.
More and more companies have strong corporate responsibility and sustainability (CR&S) programs in place. And the role of sustainability in M&A activities is growing significantly: Sustainability has turned from a fig leaf initiative into a real value driver and must-have.
So maybe reason enough to redefine your purpose, to revisit your value propositions and Value Pricing and to rewrite your Value Based Management brochures.
We support you in that across both loops: from internal alignment to the consequences for your customer interactions.

Rethinking strategies and business models for value creation and value capture
Your strategies and business models define where and how you want to create and capture value in digitalizing and more and more sustainability driven markets.
We help you to develop and align value centered business and marketing strategies. Our marketing strategy expertise will help you to create winning strategies, all based on state-of-the-art methodology. This will be the marketing groundwork for your value creation and capture.
Your business model will specify how to create, deliver and capture value with your customers in a digitalizing world.
Our Double Loop Business Model Innovation will make sure, that you don’t miss existing and future digitalization opportunities and that your engine room can keep your sales force’s promises, because value creation is well aligned with value delivery and value capture.

Double Loop Marketing Excellence Training & Coaching
Marketing excellence finally is about people and their skills and mindset.
Based on more than 25 years of marketing excellence experience, we support you in enhancing the marketing skills of your marketing & sales staff and other functions directly involved in value creation and capture. And we help you to develop an anti-silo mindset in your marketing & sales organization.
We train and coach your people in:
– Business acumen and profitability management,
– Industry value chain analysis,
– Marketing strategy,
– Segmentation,
– Customer journeys,
– Value propositions and value communication,
– Pricing,
– Product and service portfolio management,
– Customer portfolio management,
– Budgeting, business planning and reporting,
– Working capital management,
– Channel-to-market strategies,
– Marketing & Sales interactions,
– Competitive intelligence,
– Market & customer insights,
– Business model innovation,
– Account planning,
– Product launch
and many more. For commodity businesses, commoditizing businesses and specialty or solution businesses.
In classical classroom training as well as digitally and with blended learning concepts and platforms. Always business specific, hands-on and practical.