price & profit lever board
Support your pricing strategies and tactics with our Price Profit Lever Board and simulate the impact of your price moves, sales volume changes and/or cost changes on your profit and market share.
Compare different price-volume-cost scenarios and their impact on your profits. Baseds on a powerful visualization.

You simply key in your current prices, volumes and margins and the intended changes. You will then see the total impact on your profit and market share in a graph which splits the total effect across the different profit levers.
The price of the tool depends on the number of licenses you need. And whether you want it in your own layout and branding or not.
Prices range from
– 180 € per license, if you buy 100 or more licenses
– to 1,100 € per license, if you just buy one.
+ adaptation to your branding and corporate identity if needed
+ Introduction workshop, if needed