For many years now it has been our tradition that instead of sending out Christmas presents, we make a substantial donation to a good cause. Since that is a good tradition, we are not about to change it. The only thing we changed is the way we determine the amount to be donated – instead of counting the clicks on the donate button in our Christmas mailing, we simply decided to donate for everyone who received our greetings. After all, the higher the donation, the better.
In our 2023 mailing we already announced that this year, our annual donation will be split between the German Children’s Cancer Aid Foundation and humanitarian help for Ukraine, both of which are causes close to our heart that always and still require support. Both donations have been made and we hope that they will make a difference.
If you have the means, please also consider making a donation to any good cause you feel needs your help the most. Support is needed for many causes and in many places in the world. Not only around Christmas time.
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