We are more than happy to announce that we have expanded our B2B Marketing & Sales services with two very experienced dudes in Asia:

Polycarp Ho and ZhengJia will support us from now on in providing our services on value creation, value selling, value communication and pricing to manufacturing B2B businesses in Asia.

Polycarp operates from Singapore, whereas ZhengJia is located in Ningbo, China. Both are native speakers in Mandarin and can support our customers on their mission from products and volume to solutions and value in a few other languages as well.

Both have more than 25 years of extensive experience in the chemical industry and held senior positions in APAC Marketing & Sales in companies like Ashland, Kemira and a few others.

We are more than happy to have them on board and give them a warm welcome to Double Loop!

Polycarp and ZhengJia: Welcome, dudes! Let’s keep on changing B2B Marketing & Sales from volume to value.


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